School Based Therapy

Creative Art with Children

What is School Based Play Therapy?

School Based Play Therapy is where a Play Therapist comes to your school with a Play Therapy kit and sets up a small therapy room.  The principal and teachers, in consultation with the parents, will refer children for Play Therapy.  The children and the Play Therapist work together every week for an agreed period of time.  The Play Therapist has consultations with the parents and teachers during the therapy sessions.  The parents and teachers are supported as necessary.

Benefits of School Based Play Therapy

School Based Play Therapy benefits teachers, children and the school.  Teachers struggling with disruptive children receive help and support and the child also receives the help and support they need to sort out their emotional issues.  In turn, the reduction of disruptive behaviour helps all of the children in the class to learn more effectively.

Children who would never get support in the traditional manner have access to Play Therapy as soon as they need it.

Children who have autism, ADHD, bullying issues, separation anxieties, emotional or attachment issues get help and support.

Why School Based Play Therapy Works?

Teachers spend a lot of their day with children and understand their development level. They know when a child is not reaching their full potential.  They know when a silent child needs help and support.  Principals know when families are struggling and can refer a child for support at the time when support is most needed, so that it does not escalate into a bigger problem.

Therefore schools are the ideal place for children to receive the emotional support they need from Play Therapy, when they need it.

Why Choose Child Know How?

Our Play Therapy service is mobile, we can come to your school.  Staff will work with individual children, small groups or the whole class.  We will also work to support and advise teachers.

Organise Consultation to Discuss Your Needs

Contact Child Know How to organise a consultation to discuss how we can work with your school.


J has really settled into secondary school and is doing really well with I never thought would happen