Self esteem is the basis of your child’s whole development. It affects everything, it effects their ability to explore in the world, their academic ability, their happiness and well being in the world. It affects their future success in life. Self esteem is the bedrock of happiness. It ensures growth and development in every area of your child’s life.
Here are 10 tips to help your child’s self esteem
1. Give your child a hundred hugs a day
Give a quick hug, pat or kiss as you pass your child. The message the child receives is;
I am loved.
2. Listen to, respect what your child is thinking and is doing
Take the time to listen to what your child is saying, listen and accept his thinking and his logic in what he is doing. The message your child receives is;
What I have to say is important, What I am doing is important, I am important.
3. Teach your child how to do everything for herself
Teach your young child how to put on their clothes, wash themselves etc. As they get older teach them how to do everything for themselves within safe boundaries. Your child gets a sense of satisfaction from being capable and able. Slow down your movements so the child can really see how the skill is done. The message the child gets is;
I am able to do things all by myself, I can do things, I am valuable.
4. Reteach not correct your child
When you have taught your child how to do something, reteach the skill if your child has not mastered the know how. Do not correct the child, find the opportunity to show the skill again slowly and then let them practice the new skill. The message the child gets is;
I am respected.
5. Let your child do everything he is able for himself
Having taught your child skills it is now time to let the child practice and practice the skill. You have taught the skill so the child should be using this skill. Move on to teaching another skill. The message the child gets is;
I am trusted.
6. Remember you have had years of practice, be patient with your child’s efforts
Let your actions and words reflect your belief in the child’s ability to master the task.
The message the child gets is that ‘I can do it’.
7. Avoid comparing children.
One child always comes out feeling less than the other. Remember each child is different with different attributes, qualities avoid comparing children. It belittles them. The message the child gets is;
I am good enough.
8. Focus on things children are good at
Keep focusing on the positive skills, qualities and attributes of your child. They want more than anything to have your positive attention. The message the child receives is;
I am good enough just as I am.
9. Children need chores, responsibility within their skill set
Bringing children up contributing to family tasks, doing household chores is good for their self esteem and well being. The message children get is;
I make an important contribution to the family.
10. Enjoy being with your child
Show your enjoyment, hang out with them. Just be there with no other agenda or nothing else ongoing. Its the greatest gift you can give your child. The message the child gets is
I am loved just for being me.