Parent Coaching

Parent Coaching- Upset Teenager

Why Parent Coaching?

At Child Know How we are aware that parenting is the most important job of all time. Parents receive little to no training to help them to raise emotionally strong and healthy children.  Most of us rear children the way we were reared, thinking that we ourselves did not turn out too bad.  Life as we knew it has changed and our children live in a very different, changing world with stresses we did not have.

While rearing children, parents encounter difficulties with their children at different stages of development.  Family stresses occur at different times as children grow up, triggering off difficult childhood behaviours.  Families go through bereavement, separation and family breakup, times of very high work pressures, times of poverty etc.  These are times families need extra support.

As parents we want to enjoy our children and build strong, healthy, co-operative relationships with them.  We want them to grow up to be happy, self-confident youngsters.  We also want them to grow into happy, fulfilled adults.

Who Benefits from Parent Coaching

Looking for help when your family is in distress is a positive first step on the road to recovery.  Having dealt with parents in crisis over the last 30 years we know that the benefits of parent coaching help the parents, the child, your family, your extended family and the child’s school.

It helps families create and maintain positive, co-operative relationships in times of family stresses.

What is Parent Coaching

Parent Coaching helps parents to find solutions to their parenting problems.  Parents practice new methods of dealing with their childrens’ issues in a  common sense, problem solving based approach.  Parents view their children’s struggles from a different point of view.  They learn to walk in their child’s shoes and tune in with them.   Parents gain confidence in setting  and keeping boundaries for their children and communicating positively with them.

Why Choose Child Know How

We have over thirty years experience of working with parents and children.  The strategies we use are tried and tested as a parent, child care worker, teacher, child care manager and Play Therapist. We offer a one to one service where we will work with you privately on an individual basis providing custom strategies to alleviate your problems.  We offer a coaching and parent support service on a group basis where parents will learn strategies, implement them  and share their experience  with each other.

We understand the difficulties parents have in getting help with their children’s behavioural issues.   We believe in affirming and encouraging parents to learn and use tried and tested child rearing techniques in developing better relationships with their children.

Request Your Free Phone Consultation

To see if Parent Coaching is right for your family, please contact Child Know How.


Where else will we get help with our children’s problems

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