
At Child Know How we specialise in psychotherapy for children, teenagers and families. We have over 30 years’ experience working with children and parents. Grainne holds a Masters in Play Therapy and Creative Art Therapy. She is also trained in Theraplay principles and counselling for sexual abuse victims.

We passionately believe that children are the future and we support and empower parents and children to reach their full potential for a happy, fulfilled life.

To achieve this, we provide a range of services to suit you and your family:

Play Therapy

Play Therapy

Play Therapy is counselling for children. Children have not yet learned to fully communicate their thoughts and emotions through talking. Play is a form of communication that comes naturally to children. Play Therapists are trained to counsel children through play. In Play Therapy the toys are the words and play is the language. Therapists use special Play Therapy toys to facilitate children to work through their issues.


Theraplay Services

Theraplay is a child and family play-based therapy that facilitates building a stronger relationship between you and your child. It focuses on attachment and bonding issues. This enables a more cohesive/co-operative family unit.

Parents will be better able to manage their children and create a more peaceful home. It teaches children to have and create positive relationships at home, at school and throughout their life. This helps your child overcome behavioural difficulties by changing their view of the world around them.

Supervision for Play and Creative Art Therapists


Child Know How also provides Supervision for qualified and trainee Play Therapists and Creative Art Therapists. All therapists require Supervision to ensure they are providing the best quality of care to their clients. At Child Know How we use creative arts to explore your cases. Our clients find working creatively helpful in seeing their cases from a different point of view.  We also offer Supervision via Skype for qualified therapists.

Parent Coaching

Parent coaching- father and 2 kids

Recent research has highlighted that children suffer from stress from a very young age.  Growing up in today’s world is difficult.  Couple that with difficulties families can go through like death, separation, illness, financial pressures, ADHD etc and it is not hard to see why you as a parent could do with help and support.

We offer Parent Coaching to help you analyse your child/ teenager’s behaviour to find out what is causing it.  Then we will provide you with tailor made strategies to overcome this behaviour and we support you while you implement these.  This coaching is practical and solution based to ensure that you can get back to a peaceful, harmonious family life.

We offer this service on a one -to-one or group basis.  We also offer Parent Coaching using Skype.

School Based Therapy

School based therapy

We go mobile and take our Play Therapy Centre to your school.  We work with troubled children in schools. The children are selected by a consensus between the teachers, parents and principals.   We work with all parties involved to ensure that the children benefit from the Play Therapy and overcome their behavioural problems.  Learn more about School Based Therapy here.